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Management Team

The Management Team of Horsell Common

The Society is managed by a committee of trustees who are passionate about the common and its wildlife. They are elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting and retire by rotation every three years but can choose to stand for re-election. The board meets 4 times a year to discuss key strategic and operation issues with ad-hoc meetings if required. For day-to-day management of the commons HCPS employs an Estate Manager and a Senior Ranger.  

Three sub-committees each meet 4 times each year, reporting to the main committee 

The Three Sub-Committees

Estate Management

Responsibility for the overseeing of day-to-day management of the common, including conservation, tracks, woodlands and heathland maintenance.

Finance & Investment

Responsible for management of the Trust’s finances and legal responsibilities.

Public Relations

Responsible for production of a regular newsletter, member information and matters relating to the Common.

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